Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, regulated by the pituitary gland, which is arguably the most important indicator of male health and vitality. Testosterone regulates sex drive (libido), bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells and sperm.

Testosterone is produced naturally in the body by the pituitary and synthesized from cholesterol. Without proper levels of cholesterol, a man will not be able to make adequate supply of testosterone. That is why men with low cholesterol regularly have low levels of testosterone.

Cholesterol plays a significant role in the health of a man. A man’s cholesterol levels should never get below 180 and ideally are between 200-220. Most doctors inaccurately represent appropriate levels of cholesterol and will try and put someone on Statins if their levels are above 210. That’s nonsense, and that doctor should lose his license.


While one of the first signs of low testosterone is loss of sex drive, low testosterone can be linked to mood swings, fatigue, low energy and a lack of drive to get up and do things. In recent years, researchers (and pharmaceutical companies) have focused on the effects of testosterone deficiency, especially among men. In fact, as men age, testosterone levels drop very gradually, about 1% to 2% each year — unlike the relatively rapid drop in estrogen that causes menopause. The testes produces less testosterone, there are fewer signals from the pituitary telling the testes to make testosterone, and a protein (called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) increases with age. All of this reduces the active (free) form of testosterone in the body. More than a third of men over age 45 may have reduced levels of testosterone than might be considered normal (though, as mentioned, defining optimal levels of testosterone is tricky and somewhat controversial).

  • Fewer and weaker erections
  • Less frequent sexual activities
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Less energy
  • Depressed mood
  • Less muscle mass and strength
  • More body fat
  • Anemia (low iron)
  • Loss of bone strength
  • Reduced body and facial hair
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido, impotence, small testicles, reduced sperm count and infertility
  • Increased breast size
  • Hot flashes
  • Irritability, poor concentration and depression Brittle bones and an increased risk of fracture[1]


“Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. It contributes to a variety of functions in both sexes, including physical growth and strength, brain function, bone density and cardiovascular health. In the last 50 years, research has identified a trend of declining testosterone in men and a rise in related health conditions, including reduced semen quality in men and genital malformations in newborn boys.” [1]

In fact, studies show that the average man’s testosterone is nearly 25% lower than it was 30 years ago.[2]

Studies show that men’s testosterone levels have been declining for decades. The most prominent, a 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year. This means, for example, that a 60-year-old man in 2004 had testosterone levels 17% lower than those of a 60-year-old in 1987. Another study of Danish men produced similar findings, with double-digit declines among men born in the 1960s compared to those born in the 1920s.[3]


Testosterone decline doesn’t just affect the physical health of men. It affects their will, drive, determination, spirit and energy. When those are affected, society as a whole is affected. If testosterone is directly correlated to “masculinity” then low testosterone, which is becoming endemic, means less and less “masculinity” in our culture – or the feminization of our culture.

A culture of men with low testosterone and low masculine energy/drive is a weak culture. Men play a very important role in society. Their strength and resolve are imperative to society. That strength creates strong structures and containers of healthy and grounded morals, values and an underlying ethos that supports it. Without strong masculine energy/will/vitality to uphold those morals, the culture becomes weak, soft, and succumbs to subjugation by those desiring to control a culture of weak men.

A culture of men with low testosterone is not a culture worth living in. Men must fight to regain their levels of testosterone which will have a direct correlation on their will/drive/energy and lead to a healthy and sound application of morals, integrity, honor, and values to help right this society to where it once was.


The reasons for declining testosterone are many, and while none can be specifically identified as the “cause” there are a few which show strong causal relationships. Anyone with a critical eye can see the connection between lower testosterone and steady increase in estrogen-inducing-chemicals in our environment.It’s quite easy to draw conclusions of your own.